Properties of the Ultimate Ascension Stones
The Ultimate Ascension Mat combines some of the strongest stones on the planet to ever be discovered!
The Ultimate Ascension Mat combines some of the strongest stones on the planet to ever be discovered!
PROPERTIES: (recently discovered in Brazil)
* Know as the “Lightning Stone” due to it’s incredibly strong energy (10x stronger than Moldavite!)
* Shamans have used this stone for centuries to “Connect with the Gods”
* Amazing for connecting with guides, angels, and loved ones on the “Otherside”
* Enhances psychic and medium abilities
* Increases visions, information downloads, and lucid dreams
* Very strong Ascension stone
Pockets associated with this stone are: #1, #3, #7 & #9
*Please see below Stone Meaning Disclosure
PROPERTIES: (recently discovered in Egypt)
* Enhances gift of prophecy and visions
* Powerful high vibration ascension stone
* Raises levels of precognition and inner knowing
* Helps with receiving messages from spirits, guides, and angels
* Enhances memory, lowers stress, and centers the mind
* Brings clarity and deep connection with universal knowledge
* Aids in amplifying your abilities and increases ascension to higher realms
(Pseudomorph of Limonite after Marcasite)
Pockets associated with this stone are: #5
*Please see below Stone Meaning Disclosure
PROPERTIES: (discovered in the deserts of Pakistan)
* Amplifies the frequency and energy of any stone or person around it
* Increases visions, psychic communication, and downloads of universal knowledge
* Greatly increases ability to connect with guides, angels, and passed loved ones
* Helps you ascend and link with other dimensions
Pockets associated with this stone are: #1, #5, and #9
*Please see below Stone Meaning Disclosure
* Incredibly strong energy!!!
* Master Ascension Stone
* Amplifies physical and spiritual energy
* Enhances psychic and intuitive abilities
* Increases visions and lucid dreaming
* Help with clarity of mind
* Manifestation Stone
* Known as the “Stone of Attunement” for it’s ability to put people at ease in stressful situations
* Super charges the effects of any other stones that are near it
Pockets associated with this stone are: #5
*Please see below Stone Meaning Disclosure
PROPERTIES: (recently discovered in Pakistan)
* Brings in unlimited energies of light and positivity
* Raises levels of joy, happiness, excitement, passion, enthusiasm, etc…
* Increases motivation and drive to accomplish goals
* Creates stronger connection with guides
* Enhances emotional and energetic ascension
Pockets associated with this stone are: #6
*Please see below Stone Meaning Disclosure
* GREATLY enhances ascension and raising energetic vibration
* Spiritually energize your entire being
* Aids connection with Angels, guides, and other light beings
* Very sweet, high vibration inner child energy
* Stimulates 3rd eye, visions, lucid dreams, and connection with the “Otherside”
* Brings on “Spiritual Awakening”
* Fantastic stone for enhancing meditation and astral travel
Pockets associated with this stone are: #4 and #6
*Please see below Stone Meaning Disclosure
PROPERTIES: (recently discovered in India)
* Encourages inner wisdom, ascension, and awakening higher self
* Builds inter-dimensional connection
* Connects you with spiritual truth and guidance
* Expands your heart and encourages love and harmony within and for others
* Enhances higher awareness
* Connects you with higher self to gain awareness on life journey
* Higher level of dream states
Pockets associated with this stone are: #6
*Please see below Stone Meaning Disclosure
PROPERTIES: (discovered in Greenland in 1901)
* High vibration that helps connect you with spirit
* Encourages positive life changes and release past energetic ties
* Profound aid in deep meditation and creating better sleep patterns
* Transitions energy like it transitions light
* Elevates knowledge from guides and angels
* Increases visions and lucid dreaming
* Encourages motivation and finding one’s path
* RARE and powerful ascension stone
Pockets associated with this stone are: #7
*Please see below Stone Meaning Disclosure
* Integrated you with lemurian energetic knowledge
* Connects you with your higher self
* Has all of the high vibration qualities of clear quartz (see clear quartz properties)
* Helps with manifestation of whatever you set your heart and mind to
* Brings you closer with your inner self and overcoming past trauma energetic wounds
* Energetic expansion and connection with higher realms
* Overall amplifier of anything it is around
Pockets associated with this stone are: #3
*Please see below Stone Meaning Disclosure
* Powerful for increasing energy for the physical and energetic bodies
* Amplifies the effects of any other stones that are near it
* Purifies and cleanses both physically and energetically
* Amplifies your intentions for manifesting
* Assists with spiritual work and ascension.
* Promotes psychic abilities, intuition, and mental clarity
* Balances and aligns the chakra centers
Pockets associated with this stone are: #1, #2, #3, #7, #8, & #9
*Please see below Stone Meaning Disclosure
* Offers spiritual protection and creativity
* Opens the Crown and Third Eye Chakras
* Increases abilities and ascension.
* Helps guard against psychic attacks
* Transmutes any negative energy into a higher frequency light energy
Pockets associated with this stone are: #2 & #8
*Please see below Stone Meaning Disclosure
* Improves divination and psychic abilities
* Stimulates the 3rd Eye and Throat Chakras
* Increases visions and psychic communication abilities
* Enhanced intuition, clarity, and emotional honesty
* Helps to tap into universal wisdom, knowledge, and ascension
Pockets associated with this stone are: #3 & #7
*Please see below Stone Meaning Disclosure
* Increases intuition and amplifies high frequency energy
* Cleans energy and keeps it flowing at a high vibration
* Increases visions and psychic communication abilities
* Aids in calmer, deeper meditation
* Helps you ascend through old emotional and energetic patterns
Pockets associated with this stone are: #9
*Please see below Stone Meaning Disclosure
* Grants access to the spiritual world
* Said to bless whatever it touches
* Encourages state of mental and emotional wellbeing
* Known as “Ultimate Dream Stone” and accompanied by knowledge downloads to understand them
* Very protective stone…dispels negativity
* Said to encourage the energies of health, wealth, and love
Pockets associated with this stone are: #5
*Please see below Stone Meaning Disclosure
* Enhances intuition and gift of prophecy
* Raises levels of precognition and inner knowing
* Known as the stone of “Magic”
* Uplifts vibration and sense of abundance
* Brings protection, peace, and sense of universal harmony
* Helps to connect more deeply with the elements
* Aids in amplifying your abilities to an ascended level
Pockets associated with this stone are: #4 and #6
*Please see below Stone Meaning Disclosure
* Boosts access to intuitive and psychic abilities
* Energetic elevation and ascension of the spirit
* Helps you vibrate at a very high frequency
* Promotes inner peace, calmness, and provides mental and emotional clarity
* Enhances connection with guides and angels
* Helps heal energetic and physical wounds
* Known as an “Angel Stone”
Pockets associated with this stone are: #1 and #9
*Please see below Stone Meaning Disclosure
Note that healing descriptions and meanings behind crystals are spiritual supports to healing and are not prescriptions or healthcare information. They are only intended to be used in conjunction with the healing process, not to ever be used in leiu of medical care.